24 research outputs found

    Multicast for ubiquitos streaming of multimedia content to mobile terminals : Network architecture and protocols

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    The Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network was envisioned to carry a wide range of new services; however, the first UMTS release was not designed to efficiently support multimedia content. In this thesis we analyse several mechanisms, and suggest architectural changes to improve UMTS’s capacity for a subset of the multimedia services; high-bandwidth group services. In our initial work we have suggested how IP multicast protocols can be used in the UMTS network to reduce the required network capacity for group services. This proposal was one of many suggestions for the evolving Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) architecture for UMTS. The next technique we have suggested and analysed is a new wireless channel type named the "sticky-channel"; this channel is intended for sparsely populated multicast groups. The sticky-channel is able to stick to mobile multicast members in the boarder area of neighbouring radio cells, thus some base stations does not need to broadcast the multicast data. Consequently, the total number of broadcast channels needed to cover a given area is reduced. There is a marginal reduction of required resources with this technique. In the main part of our work we have studied heterogeneous multihop wireless access for multicast traffic in the UMTS network. In a heterogeneous wireless access network, the wireless resources needed to distribute high-bandwidth group services, can be shared among cooperating network technologies. Mobile terminals with a UMTS interface and an IEEE 802.11 interface are readily available, consequently a heterogeneous network with UMTS and 802.11 links will be easy to deploy. We have described a heterogeneous architecture based on those wireless technologies. In this architecture, the range of a UMTS radio channel is reduced, and local IEEE 802.11-based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) forward the data to users located outside the coverage of the reduced UMTS channel. The wireless resources required to transmit a data packet are proportional to (at least) the square of the distance the packet must travel, thus a reduction in the channel range releases a significant amount of UMTS radio resources. Detailed simulation results showed acceptable service quality when the UMTS broadcast channel range is more than halved. Finally we have studied whether Forward Error Correction (FEC) at the packet-level on multicast flows could improve the performance of the heterogeneous wireless access network. There is a marginal improvement. Most of the protection brought by the FEC code has been used to repair the increased packet-loss introduced by the FEC overhead

    Resilient internetwork routing over heterogeneous mobile military networks

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    Mobile networks in the military tactical domain, include a range of radio networks with very diverse characteristics and which may be employed differently from operation to operation. When interconnecting networks with dissimilar characteristics (e.g. capacity, range, mobility) a difficult trade-off is to fully utilize the diverse network characteristics while minimizing the cost. To support the ever increasing requirements for future operations it is necessary to provide tools to quickly alter the rule-set during an ongoing operation, due to a change in operation and/or to support different needs. Our contribution is a routing protocol which targets these challenges. We propose an architecture to connect networks with different characteristics. One key point is that low capacity links/networks segments can be included in the heterogeneous network, these segments are protected from overload by controlling where and when signaling/data traffic is sent. The protocol supports traffic policing, including resource reservation. The other key point is the ability to quickly alter the network policy (rules-set) including QoS support during an operation or from operation to operation.author postprin

    Selected Issues of QoS Provision in Heterogenous Military Networks

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    Tactical ad-hoc networks are evolving today towards complex heterogeneous networks in terms of architecture, protocols and security. Due to the difference in network resources and reliability, end-to-end quality of service provisioning becomes very challenging. If we also take into account communication issues such as unpredictable connectivity, preferential forwarding for special traffic classes, intermittency due to node or communication link failure, the problem is further aggravated.In this article, we examine the major challenges that must be solved in order to provide efficient QoS provisioning in the heterogeneous network. Finally we describe QoS-aware mechanisms for inter-domain and intra-domain heterogeneous networks, also including real-time services provision in highly mobile environments.


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Penggunaan Media Gambar Tunggal Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Deskripsi pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD. Penelitian ini beranjak dari permasalahan yaitu (1) Bagaimana perencanaan pembelajaran keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi dengan menggunakan media gambar tunggal di kelas 4 SD (2) Bagaimana proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi dengan menggunakan media gambar tunggal di kelas 4 SD, dan (3) Bagaimana hasil keterampilan menulis karangan deskripsi dengan menggunakan media gambar tunggal di kelas 4 SD. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi melalui media gambar tunggal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SD Negeri Sukajadi 9 Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), dengan model penelitian yang dikembangkan oleh Kurt Lewin sebanyak 2 siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV yang berjumlah 35 orang.dengan model siklus yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi terhadap hasil pembelajaran siswa, refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, (1) kegiatan pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi melalui media gambar tunggal dilakukan dengan pengenalan terlebih dahulu mengenai karangan deskripsi. Pembelajaran terdiri dari dua pertemuan dalam dua siklus. Siklus I pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi melalui media gambar tunggal dengan tema kelinci, dan siklus II pembelajaran menulis karang deskripsi melalui media gambar tunggal dengan tema kegiatan di pasar tradisional. (2) pelaksanaan dari setiap siklus pada dasarnya sama yaitu siswa terlebih dahulu dikenalkan tentang langkah-langkah pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi, kemudian siswa dikenalkan pada cirri-ciri karangan deskripsi agar siswa dapat memahami dan terampil dalam menulis karangan deskripsi, (3) evaluasi pembelajaran yang dilakukan terhadap pengajaran ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk mengetahui keterampilan siswa dalam menulis karangan deskripsi. Hasil pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi menunjukan adanya peningkatan yaitu dengan meningkatnya nilai rata-rata siklus I yaitu 70,2 dan meningkat menjadi 90,68 pada siklus II. Artinya bahwa pembelajaran menulis karangan deskripsi melalui media gambar tunggal mampu memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan melalui tindakan kelas.---------- This study, entitled Use Single Image Media To Improve Writing Skills Essay on Learning Indonesian Description in SD. This research moved from the problems: (1) How essay writing skills learning plan descriptions using a single image media in 4th grade (2) What is the process of learning execution description essay writing skills by using a single image media in 4th grade, and (3) How the results of essay writing skills description using a single image media in the 4th grade. The purpose of this research is to improve and enhance learning through the media write the essay description single image. This research was conducted in the fourth grade elementary school Sukajadi 9 Bandung. The method used is a Class Action Research (PTK), with a research model developed by Kurt Lewin as much as two cycles. The subjects were students of class IV which amounts to 35 orang.dengan cycle model which consists of a planning phase, the implementation phase of action, observation of student learning outcomes, reflection. The results showed that, (1) a description of the learning activities through the media write essays single image is done with the introduction of advance of the essay description. Learning consists of two meetings in two cycles. The first cycle of learning to write essays descriptions via single image media with the theme of rabbits, and the second cycle of learning to write through the medium of coral description single image with the theme of activities in traditional markets. (2) the implementation of each cycle is basically the same that students first introduced on the steps of learning to write essays descriptions, then the students are introduced to the characteristic bouquet of description so that students can understand and skilled in writing essays description, (3) evaluation of learning committed against this teaching is an attempt to determine the student's skills in essay writing descriptions. Essay writing learning outcomes description shows the increase is by increasing the average value of the first cycle is 70.2 and increased to 90.68 in the second cycle. It means that learning to write essays descriptions via single image media able to improve and optimize the quality of learning is done through a class actio

    Kommuner skal sikre blågrønn kvalitet i byggeprosjekter – få bruker tilgjengelig verktøy

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    En metode er utviklet for å hjelpe kommuner med å stille krav til overvannshåndtering og grønne områder i byggeprosjekter. Studier viser at metoden foreløpig er lite utbredt

    Changes in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD in an RCT-study of dentist-administered treatment of dental anxiety

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    Abstract Background Educating dentists in treatment methods for dental anxiety would increase the patients’ access to treatments that are important to their oral health. However, to avoid adverse effects on comorbid symptoms, involvement by a psychologist has been considered necessary. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate whether a dentist could implement systematized treatments for dental anxiety without an increase in comorbid symptoms of anxiety, depression or PTSD. Methods A two-arm parallel randomised controlled trial was set in a general dental practice. Eighty-two patients with self-reported dental anxiety either completed treatment with dentist-administered cognitive behavioural therapy (D-CBT, n = 36), or received dental treatment while sedated with midazolam combined with the systemized communication technique “The Four Habits Model” (Four Habits/midazolam, n = 41). Dental anxiety and comorbid symptoms were measured pre-treatment (n = 96), post-treatment (n = 77) and one-year after treatment (n = 52). Results An Intention-To-Treat analysis indicated reduced dental anxiety scores by the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (median MDAS: 5.0 (-1,16)). The median scores on the Hospital Index of Anxiety and Depression (HADS-A/D) and the PTSD checklist for DSM-IV (PCL) were reduced as follows: HADS-A: 1 (-11, 11)/HADS-D: 0 (-7, 10)/PCL: 1 (-17,37). No between-group differences were found. Conclusions The study findings support that a general dental practitioner may treat dental anxiety with Four Habits/Midazolam or D-CBT without causing adverse effects on symptoms of anxiety, depression or PTSD. Establishing a best practice for treatment of patients with dental anxiety in general dental practice should be a shared ambition for clinicians, researchers, and educators. Trial registration The trial was approved by REC (Norwegian regional committee for medical and health research ethics) with ID number 2017/97 in March 2017, and it is registered in clinicaltrials.gov 26/09/2017 with identifier: NCT03293342

    Resilient internetwork routing over heterogeneous mobile military networks

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    Mobile networks in the military tactical domain, include a range of radio networks with very diverse characteristics and which may be employed differently from operation to operation. When interconnecting networks with dissimilar characteristics (e.g. capacity, range, mobility) a difficult trade-off is to fully utilize the diverse network characteristics while minimizing the cost. To support the ever increasing requirements for future operations it is necessary to provide tools to quickly alter the rule-set during an ongoing operation, due to a change in operation and/or to support different needs. Our contribution is a routing protocol which targets these challenges. We propose an architecture to connect networks with different characteristics. One key point is that low capacity links/networks segments can be included in the heterogeneous network, these segments are protected from overload by controlling where and when signaling/data traffic is sent. The protocol supports traffic policing, including resource reservation. The other key point is the ability to quickly alter the network policy (rules-set) including QoS support during an operation or from operation to operation

    Dentist-administered cognitive behavioural therapy versus four habits/midazolam: An RCT study of dental anxiety treatment in primary dental care

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    The study aimed to test the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) administered by a general dental practitioner (GDP) in a general dental practice. In a two-arm parallel randomised controlled trial, the experimental group received a short dentist-administered CBT-intervention (D-CBT). A best-practice control group (FHM) received dental treatment during sedation with midazolam combined with an evidence-based communication model (The Four Habits Model). Ninety-six patients with self-reported dental anxiety were allocated to the treatment arms at a 1:1 ratio. Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) scores spanned from 12 to 25, and 82 patients (85%) had a score of 19 or more, indicating severe dental anxiety. In both treatment arms, scores on MDAS and Index of Dental Anxiety and Fear (IDAF-4C) decreased significantly, but no differences were found between treatment arms. Mean reductions were: MDAS scores: −6.6 (SD = 0.5); IDAF-4C scores: −1.0 (SD = 1.1). In conclusion, local GDPs in general dental practices with proper competence have the ability for early detection of dental anxiety and, with the use of a manual-based D-CBT or FHM treatment, GDPs could offer efficient first-line treatment suitable for dental anxiety of varying severities